Enviormental Policy


comes with a significant responsibility.

The English countryside has been decimated over the years, due to the opening of fields, the destruction of hedgerows and the felling of trees and the management of our natural waterways. Even over cutting verges has also removed the homes for insects and forage for bees.

Fortunately, farms in Gloucestershire are now taking land Stewardship very seriously, and we are pleased to join the Bathurst Estate sustainability ethos.

One of the benefits of having the dogs on the land, is that grass is able to grow long and lush as it’s not being grazed on, or being farmed to grow crops.

At Doggy Playschool, we have seeded grasses and wildflowers and planted hundreds of bushes, shrubs and flowers and made habitats for birds, mammals and insects within our Doggy Playschool, as well as put in bird nesting boxes and feed tables to encourage the birds back onto the land.

We prioritise wildlife and biodiversity over neatly trimmed fields – giving us a more rustic appearance, but we think it’s worth it!


Being Carbon Neutral

Our wooden cabins and field shelters are grassed roofed, providing extra space for the returning inspects, while helping to insulation them in the winter months and maintain a cool environment in the summer months, lessening our need for heaters and fans. We have solar power onsite to light up our cabins and run our water features and have an eco-loo to minimise any environment impact our business would cause normally. We have installed water butts in all our play zones to capture rainwater again to reduce our need for mains water.

As well as caring for our local environment we also understand the importance of our carbon footprint outside the playschool boundaries and look to constantly minimise our effect on the countryside and its inhabitants through reducing our carbon footprint. With new technology coming to market, we will look to become a totally electric van fleet in the next 2 years.